Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Deep Breathe....

I had to take many of those today!!! I just closed my eyes and said, "BREATHE!!! Don't forget to Breathe!!!"

Well today would be Day 21 of Ryan being away from us! And lets just say this has been a crazy whirlwind of single parenthood!!! I am not sure I would ever want to go back to that again. Single hood again that is. Especially with the four little ones running around! I have always had the utmost respect for all Single Mothers out there, but now it has gone up a lot more.

So you ask why all the deep breathes? Well lets just name a few....

1.~Kaiden after days of Successfully Potty Training decided to have two accidents in his pants today! We almost had a third although we were able to run to the bathroom for a successful drop off.

2.~Little Miss Sunshine Rylee... my precious little girl who everyone thinks is this precious, sweet little angel, is actually my instigator! She decided today that after I had gotten her and Kaiden all dressed up for the family dinner we were having at my moms to go outside and play with the water hose. Now how she found out how to turn this thing on is beside me, but one thing that she did figure out was how to turn it on, completely drench her and her brother Kaiden down from head to toe in exactly 10 sec. and I say this because it was the total time it took for me to get Blake out of his playpen and walk out to the living room to see her and Kaiden standing in front of the back door drenching wet!!! Oh and did I forget to mention it was "inside" in front of the back door drenching wet!!!! You wonder how did I know that it was Rylee? Well when I asked who got into the water (OK visually picture this... them fully dressed, wet, and shivering) Kaiden points at Rylee, Rylee looks at Kaiden and with a BIG smile she raises her hand and says, "ME MOMMIE!!!"

3.~Taylor starts school tomorrow and oh my getting her back on her sleeping schedule has been one big pain in the butt. We upped her bedtime from 8:30 to 9:30 and sometimes 10:00 if she was good during the day. Well we never in a million years thought the one hour time difference would be such a hard time to get her back to her original bed time. Boy were we wrong!

4.~Blake has shots tomorrow and I am more scared for me than I am him. I always have Ryan come with me for these appointments and I now have to do this one on my own. Ryan always has to hold my hand or I step out of the room. But not tomorrow. I will be front and center and will have to hold Blake down so he can get a shot in his rear end. Definitely not something I am looking forward to. So everyone please cross your fingers that, one, I don't faint or two, get queasy all over the Dr. and believe me I WOULD!

But spite all the things that went on today... I did have some very exciting things as well. We are three quarters of the way to getting a place to stay in Phoenix! AMEN!!! We spent some nice quality time with some family. And my moms orchid that she has been watching over the WHOLE summer finally blossomed today. I posted some pics below for everyone to enjoy.

Well I am off to bed to get some well needed rest and say my prayers for Kaiden to have a better day in the potty department, Taylor to have a fabulous first day at school, Rylee to be her precious little devious self, and for Blake to hold mommie when she will be feeling a little down tomorrow after his shots! Oh yeah and for Blake to also feel absolutely nothing from the squeezing of my hand while I am holding his hand as the Dr. gives him his shot!!! :))

Love all~

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